Our Strategy, embracing Vision 2030, is shaped to be responsive to the current change and evolution across Europe, reflective of the diversity of Europe and uniting in our desire to strengthen the inclusivity of the YMCA across the Continent. Learn more
YMCA is the oldest and largest youth organisation in the world
YMCA Europe is an umbrella organisation that serves 36 national YMCAs throughout Europe. Collectively there are more than 3,200 local YMCAs, involving approximately 9,000 members of staff, more than 95,000 volunteers and impacting over 2,000,000 beneficiaries.
Our activities
Our signature projects are aiming to equip the young leaders with skills for peace-building, project management, advocacy, media communication, human rights, critical thinking, good governance, and programme development. Learn more
Our programme databases
YMCA Europe`s mission is to represent our members informing the public about their work, and to spread best practices. For this purpose we have compiled specific databases: Projects with & for Ukraine, Work with Refugees, YMCA Camps & TenSing. Learn more
Our events
YMCAs host events throughout the year for young people across Europe, promoting personal growth, community involvement, digital equity and social responsibility, providing opportunities to learn new skills and have fun in a safe and supportive environment. Check the upcoming events
Our partnerships
We are working with different organizations to further our objective of empowering young individuals and advocating for fairness in society. These collaborations showcase YMCA Europe’s dedication to fostering social justice and enabling youth to attain education and growth opportunities. Learn more
Our annual report
The YMCA Europe Annual Report 2023 provides a comprehensive overview of the organization’s activities and achievements over the past year. The report covers a wide range of topics, including youth empowerment, community development, crisis response, social inclusion, and advocacy. Learn more