The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is a total quality management model for self-assessment developed by the public sector for the public sector.
The CAF is free of charge and available in the public domain to assist public sector organisations to improve their performance. It has been designed for use in all parts of the public sector, and it is applicable to national/federal, regional and local levels. Although the CAF has been developed in a European context, it can be used in any public organisation all around the world.
Detailed Information is here: https://www.eupan.eu/caf/
The CAF is based on the premise that excellent results in organisational performance, citizens/customers, people and society are achieved through leadership driving strategy and planning, people, partnerships, resources and processes. It looks at the organisation from different angles at the same time: the holistic approach to performance analysis.
Online tool can be found here: https://caf.kdz.eu/index.php/618269
Criterion 1: Leadership
- Sub-criterion 1.1 – Provide direction for the organisation by developing its mission, vision and values
- Sub-criterion 1.2 – Manage the organisation, its performance and its continuous improvement
- Sub-criterion 1.3 – Inspire, motivate and support people in the organisation and act as a role model
- Sub-criterion 1.4 – Manage effective relations with political authorities and other stakeholders
Criterion 2: Strategy and Planning
- Sub-criterion 2.1 – Identify the needs and expectations of the stakeholders, the external environment and the relevant management information
- Sub-criterion 2.2 – Develop strategies and plans based on gathered information
- Sub-criterion 2.3 – Communicate, implement and review strategies and plans
- Sub-criterion 2.4 – Manage change and innovation to ensure the agility and resilience of the organisation
Criterion 3: People
- Sub-criterion 3.1 – Manage and improve human resources to support the strategy of the organisation
- Sub-criterion 3.2 – Develop and manage competencies of people
- Sub-criterion 3.3 – Involve and empower the people and support their well-being
Criterion 4: Partnerships and Resources
- Sub-criterion 4.1 – Develop and manage partnerships with relevant organisations
- Sub-criterion 4.2 – Collaborate with citizens and civil society organisations
- Sub-criterion 4.3 – Manage finances
- Sub-criterion 4.4 – Manage information and knowledge
- Sub-criterion 4.5 – Manage technology
- Sub-criterion 4.6 – Manage facilities
Criterion 5: Processes
- Sub-criterion 5.1 – Design and manage processes to increase value for citizens and customers
- Sub-criterion 5.2 – Deliver products and services for customers, citizens, stakeholders and society
- Sub-criterion 5.3 – Coordinate processes across the organisation and with other relevant organisations
Criterion 6: Citizen/Customer-oriented Results
- Sub-criterion 6.1 – Perception measurements
- Sub-criterion 6.2 – Performance measurements
Criterion 7: People Results
- Sub-criterion 7.1 – Perception measurements
- Sub-criterion 7.2 – Performance measurements
Criterion 8: Social Responsibility Results
- Sub-criterion 8.1 – Perception measurements
- Sub-criterion 8.2 – Performance measurements
Criterion 9: Key Performance Results
- Sub-criterion 9.1 – External results: output and public value
- Sub-criterion 9.2 – Internal results: level of efficiency
Every Criterion includes the following 4 questions to reflect upon:
- Strength:
- Improvement Areas:
- Improvement Actions:
- Please give your scoring for sub-criterion. The scoring scale ranges from 1 (there are no measures) to 100 points (excellent results are delivered and all relevant goals are achieved).
The scoring is supported by the following measurement scales.
YMCA in the Czech Republic will be glad to share more practical details on the presented best practice. Don’t hesitate to contact them. In the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Education and Youth has adapted this tool for use by non-profit organisations. The CAF is filled in by several members of the team so to receive an average score for each criteria.
The results can look like this:
The system gives the opportunity to follow the development through years. Example:
The CAF tool does not include an evaluation of the main process (i.e. real work with children and youth), therefore we created our own tool HHP (evaluation of the main process), which contains 36 questions divided into 6 areas (content, leader, organisation, implementation, evaluation, innovation), which are again scored by the CAF team from 0 to 100 according to the same assessment panels (Presumption Panel and Outcome Panel) to make the system compatible with the CAF core tool.
The complete CAF at the YMCA therefore contains 212 questions from the CAF itself + 36 from the HHP, for a total of 248 questions.
MiniCAF contains 74 questions + 36 for the HHP assessment = 110 questions.
MiniCAF 2020
By compiling several evaluation systems (tools), we have created a simplified tool for evaluating an organisation, which we have called MiniCAF, in order to make the possibility of self-reflection available to local YMCAs for whom the classic CAF would be too time-consuming and terminologically demanding.
The MiniCAF tool contains 74 questions divided into 10 areas, these are:
Individual charts for local organisations examples:
Balance Illustration Example:
YMCA in the Czech Republic will be glad to share more practical details on the presented best practice. Don’t hesitate to contact them.
The material is created within the project “ Governance and Quality Development” supported by Erasmus+, Key Action 2 programme.
Prepared by Vojtech Ralek, Secretary General of YMCA in the Czech Republic & Olga Lukina, Executive Secretary for Strategy and Movement Strengthening
October 2022
Full document is available here in pdf