Due to the coronavirus situation, the group members will not be able to gather for an international camp.
The spirit of the Jamboree will not falter, even though the physical camp has been cancelled.
The organisers are providing you with Not-So-Jamboree – The ESG Program Package, which includes activities suited for all situations: to do with your local group, in smaller groups or by yourself.
Share your experiences also on Instagram by tagging @esgjamboree and @esgymca Tagged stories and pictures will be shared here and on Instagram.
ESG Jamboree 2021 gathers YMCA/YWCA-scouts and jungschars from all around Europe together, for the first time ever to the Finnish forests! The planning of the camp is already underway and the European YMCA Scouting & Jungschar group (ESG) are searching for the brand of their camp. The aim is to give the community a say in what the camp will look like – so they are hosting an open design competition for the logo!
The logo will be the brand of the camp in the social media, digital outlets and camp merchandise, so it will be visible all around and provide a good amount of visibility to try out your style.
There are only two criteria:
- there has to be the YMCA-triangle somehow present in the logo and the logo should work in black-and-white and colored.
- Anyone can participate! You don't need to be a scout or attend the camp.
How to do so?
Design and draw a logo. Send your artwork via e-mail to the following address: aalto.puutio@ymca.fi. The deadline for submissions will be 1st August 2020.
All participants will be informed on the results by 7th August 2020
If you want to advertise this competition in your local group, please feel free to use this poster.