Over 70 delegates representing 32 National Movements attended on May 18th our General Assembly which agenda also included the presentation of the 2020 activities and financial reports.
President Emma Osmundsen welcomed all participants and shared a special message of solidarity with all countries in Europe affected by the pandemic.
In her message to the delegates, our President reflected about the past six months and the tasks developed by the Executive Committee since the elections last November 20th. YMCA Europe continued adapted their procedures and tools in order to achieve the goals set at the past General Assembly.
Therefore after a wide and intense consultation process, a new Strategy was shaped and is now ready for its implementation. Emma showed her gratitude to everyone active involved in this process over the past months.
The Strategy was presented in an interactive way by the Executive Committee (Jenni Enqvist, Vitalii Bohniak, Richard Schweizer and Silvia Lazaridis) and several National General Secretaries, involved in the last staged of the consultation (Viktor Serbulov, Alina Pop and John Peacock).
The Secretary General of World YMCA Carlos Sanvee was invited to open the meeting with a reflection and devotion highlighting the relations among all levels of the movement in order to achieve a common goal.
YMCA Europe’s Secretary General Juan Simoes Iglesias delivered a summary of the 2020 annual report emphasizing the main activities developed within the movement strengthening, programmes, advocacy and communications fields.
Treasurer Silvia Lazaridis shared the report on the 2020 accounts and auditor’s report, reminding all delegates that further information had been included at the General Assembly working documents sent weeks before the meeting.
The Swiss YMCA/YMCA movement took the floor to express gratitude for the response that YMCA Europe’s secretariat provided to the questions raised at the motion regarding the YMCA175 event presented in November.
Emma Osmundsen introduced futurist Tracey Follows who spoke about some of the tendencies that we shall take into consideration as we plan our future with a focus on young people.
The meeting continued with the election of new members for YMCA Europe’s Nominations Committee and the appointment of the new auditor’s company.
Diana Zarembiene and Silvia Lazaridis led a closing devotion under the topic solidarity and its real meaning in today’s context and the YMCA mission.
A special moment during the General Assembly was the announcement of the 2021 Roots Peace Awards winners:
- Council of Europe Youth Department for its continuous work for peace and reconciliation in Europe;
- YMCA Kosovo received the Award for “e-bridge” project to be implememnted togther with YMCA of Ireland and YMCA of Serbia.
President Emma Osmundsen thanked all delegates, YMCA Europe’s staff team and speakers for their participation and work in order to make this a successful General Assembly. Emma especially thanked the input provided by Dalibor Perasin, Hansjorg Kopp, Jenny Enqvist, Jason Stacey and Juan Simoes regarding the key contents for this governance meeting.
After the General Assembly, an informal gathering took place in the format of a virtual social evening with guests sharing about their countries, including original and inspiring toasts in each language.