On November 20th, over 75 delegates from 35 countries took part at YMCA Europe´s General Assembly (Part II). Learn more about Part I here.
Once again we held our online main annual meeting keeping the highest levels of good governance, accurate reporting and crucial decisions for the future of YMCA Europe.
A new Executive Committee was elected under the Presidency of Emma Osmundsen from YMCA England & Wales. In the transition ceremony, President Mike Will thanked and congratulated Emma for taking this step, a milestone in YMCA Europe´s history as Emma becomes the first female President in our history. You can read the acceptance speech here.
The composition of the newly elected Executive Committee is the following :
We are thankful to the Nominations Committee and its Chair Günter Lucking for their work in guaranteeing that there were enough candidates for the positions at the Executive and for leading an exemplary nominations and elections process. Also to all candidates that stood for elections and the National Movements that put their candidates forward.
The European and global YMCA movement wishes all the best to this new team as they start their term and lead the design of our new Strategy in cooperation with the National YMCAs.
The General Assembly also included, two motions, a financial update of the 2020 year and the 2021 budget presentation by our Treasurer Beate Turck, followed by its acceptance by the General Assembly. There was also an overview of our actions from April to November by Juan Simoes Iglesias, our Secretary General on behalf of the team.
We were pleased by receiving online video messages with encouraging words for YMCA Europe by Mrs. Themis Christophidou, Director General of Education, Youth and Sport of the European Commission (EU) and Joseph Elborn, President of the European Youth Forum.
The Secretary General of World YMCA Carlos Sanvee underlined the cooperation between the World Alliance of YMCAs and YMCA Europe, with a special update on the future perspectives of the global movement in the present social context. And a significant group of 12 young people from across Europe sent video messages about their hopes and expectations for the YMCA in Europe.
Inspiring devotions were conducted by Diana Zarembiene and the Christian Orientation Group, including a prayer in loving memory for Nina Hustedova, the young leader from Czech YMCA.
All members of YMCA Europe Staff Team played an important role in preparing all documents and presentations and dealing with the technical. Our President Mike Will thanked the team and especially Marius Pop, Director of Communications of YMCA Europe for his work making sure that before, during and after the GA, everything went smoothly and goals were achieved. Our gratitude to each member of our staff team for preparing and presenting elements of the program, recognitions and answering questions from delegates.
Delegates also expressed their gratitude to each member of the Executive Committee that finish their term under the leadership of President Mike Will. We are deeply thankful to Mike, Stepan, Beate, Diana, Marta, Edgar, Anita, Sven and Pascal for their commitment and work for YMCA Europe. You will always be with us and your home will always be YMCA Europe!
Our gratitude especially go to all National Movements that sent delegates, put forward motions and took part at the Assembly. Also to our guests, observers and partners. All of you make YMCA Europe a vibrant working platform representing the diversity and impact of our movement.
Blessings to all and thank you or your continuous support!!