We are glad to report some insights from the presentation of the launch of “European Digital Youth Work Toolkit: A Comprehensive Guide for Youth Workers and Educators”, presented in Brussels, Belgium on April 26th, at Zweig Visitors Centre of the European Parliament.
The event was organised by YMCA Europe, part of the ”AlwaysON for Youth” Erasmus+ project, implemented by YMCA Romania, as coordinator, together with Young Initiative Association – Romania, Sdrujenie “Nadejda-CRD” – Bulgaria and the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service.
The launch represented a fantastic opportunity for our consortium to showcase the research and its key findings, a series of intellectual outputs, the MOOC course, and the Gamification pack, which were presented to an audience of professionals in the fields of youth work, advocacy, policy, and digital experts from across Europe.
We were honoured to host representatives from the European Commission (European Year of Skills), European Parliament (Youth Outreach Unit), European Youth Forum, the Romanian Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, Belgian National Agency for Erasmus+, Eurodesk, Vlerick Business School, HP Benelux, together with seven National YMCAs and representatives from the non-profit and the business sectors.
Their participation and insightful feedback were greatly appreciated, and we look forward to incorporating their suggestions to further enhance our work.
The event included a lively presentation by Dr. Howard Williamson, our keynote speaker, who shared his extensive knowledge and experience in the field of youth work and pointed towards the opportunities and challenges brought by digital youth work. He has also introduced a comprehensive review of our MOOC course.
The collection of materials including the abovementioned intellectual outputs are easily accessible and downloadable on our youthwork.digital platform – a result of the work of our organisation as part of the AlwaysON Consortium.
The panel presentation and Q&A provided valuable insights and perspectives from a diverse range of experts, further enriching the discussion. Thank you Irene Bellomo (European Year of Skills, European Commission), Erik Moltzen (Sustainability Manager, HP Benelux), Andreea Scriosteanu (Board Member, European Youth Forum) and Mihai Sebe (Counsellor, Romanian Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities) for your active engagement and participation. Your insight and valuable know-how have been a truly enriching experience for all the participants in our event and discussion, and we are truly delighted for your presence and valuable discussion on the topic of youth work, digitalisation, and the topic of digital inclusion, safety, and wellbeing.
Furthermore, our MOOC course and gamification packs were enthusiastically received by the audience, who appreciated their relevance and applicability to real-world scenarios. We are confident that these resources will prove to be valuable tools for youth workers and educators in promoting digital safety, inclusion, and well-being among young people.
After the challenging pandemic situation and emerging in a post-COVID-19 world with such a rich framework for youth workers and experts, we are proud of the hard work and dedication put forth by the members of the ”AlwaysON for Youth” consortium, including all the experts and specialists who contributed to bringing the findings and intellectual outputs into fruition.
The ”AlwaysON for Youth” consortium is committed to ensuring that young people have the skills and resources they need to thrive in an increasingly digital world. By leveraging technology and innovation learning contexts, we are empowering the next generation of European (digital) youth workers.
Our mission of promoting digital youth work, safety, and well-being, and we look forward to continuing to work with our partners to create a brighter future for the youth of Europe. Stay tuned for more updates on our exciting initiatives.
Full photo album available here.