I was very surprised, but of course very honoured, when I received notification of the very kind nomination that was made (Youth Matters Awards 2015’Young Leader of the Year’. And I am still somewhat in disbelief, An award for doing what I love to do, is pretty amazing……. and cool. I am extremely honoured.
I have had so many rich experiences and an opportunity that I personally believe has and will forever shape and influence my professional life while fostering personal growth and development. I am very appreciative of the peace work institute (PWI) journey and forever grateful to those who have giving the opportunity.
Thank you for given me a sense of gratitude for what I have in my life through nothing more than circumstance of birth, and even more grateful for my ability to share that message with others. I know more, and though I have learned much, I understand less than I once thought. My view of the world has taken flight like a bird.
I appreciate the PWI for no other reason than for the fact that I now feel more able to take the proverbial step into another person’s shoes and imagine their struggles, feel their hopes, and respect their successes and failures. PWI have made me feel more deeply for other people and has put into perspective the highs and lows in this world. I hurt more and I love more deeply, I see more joy and much more sorrow, I’m more introspective and less impatient. I argue just as passionately but with a lot more experiences to call upon, and a place deep in my soul now understands the meaning of the word solitude, which has taught me to seek the friendships, conversations, and slices of happiness I can find. It ignites in me a passion and eagerness to seek whatever opportunity may present itself and be a peace maker (and keeper) in my own surroundings.
I have been truly blessed to have been inspired, mentored, supported and encouraged over the years by so many amazing people, to them I am so grateful. From my beginning here at PWI, to the leaders that have trusted me and encouraged me to take on more and challenge myself. And the many amazing rooters that have, and continually inspire me. Thank you to each and every one of you!