I was 14 years old when Soviet Union Collapsed; and Berlin Wall had its first cracks a few years earlier… These evens made big impact on me – young person that was hungry for freedom, new experiences and unity with something bigger. 90-ies were filled with belief that Europe was coming together as one – open and welcoming to all regardless of race, religion and beliefs. Unfortunately, the latest developments clearly indicate that these assumptions were not entirely true. Our continent is now struggling with division and the polarization process grows wider every day. The United Europe that many of us dreamed of seems very distant at the moment…
But one event that I had the privilege to attend just a few days ago seemed to be heading in totally different direction than the current trend – UNIFY 2016 held in CVJM Zentrum Hasliberg, Switzerland on February 25-28, 2016 brought together 164 participants from 20 countries inspired with the message to "Inspire, Worship, Share" and aiming to provide the space and resources for personal spiritual growth, as well as sharing their Christian faith within their respective YMCA movements.
Frankly speaking, on my way to Switzerland I was a bit skeptical about the possibility of bringing together such a diverse group of people representing different Christian denominations and creation of space that would be truly involving, yet free of prejudices and judgment. And I have to say that I was wrong in my doubts! Every event within the UNIFY was welcoming and open to all who wanted to participate, share or simply observe; each and every speech or message I heard was that of respect, love and unity – something that we need and urgently in today’s Europe.