Colors against discrimination
- Date:
- 1st July 2022 – 2nd July 2022″]
- Place :
- Aarhus, Denmark
Voluntary YMCA youth workers from many European countries get to know each other and present their youth work. They will exchange their experiences of youth work with people from refugee and migration backgrounds, discover and document new models of youth work from each other and with each other and network throughout Europe.
Young people with flight and migration backgrounds are especially welcome! Prerequisite for participation is that you speak English, have already attended a staff training course and have some experience in youth work.
Date Camp: 23-31.07.2022
Place: Storkow near Berlin
Language: English
Participants: voluntary youth workers 16 – 25 years, including refugees + migrants
Preparation Weekend: 26-28.03.2021 (1 leader + 1 participant from each nation)
Theme: Colors against discrimination
- get to know each other and present your youth work practice
- explore youth work with refugees and migrants
- discover diversity as a resource in youth work through experimental learning
- new models for Christian youth work, which are beneficial for the development of social skills and personality building
- network and arrange future cooperation
- document and share new experiences of youth work
- experienced participants of previous camps share their know-how
Participants are working in Plenary, Workshops and Courses on the theme, sharing their youth work experiences and learn and reflect new ways of Christian youth work. We are planning input on special themes + methods:
- Intercultural Dialog & Understanding, YMCA youth work training
- Outdoor-Experiences & Treehouse
- Experiential learning in Sport and Movement
- Music, Dance, Drama, Camp Band
- Multi Media
Hosting Organization: CVJM-Westbund, Germany
Leaders: Beate Turck, Markus Rapsch, Volker Kamin
Participant fee: approx.. 150,- Euro
Airport: Frankfurt
Travel expenses are to participants or sending YMCA. Erasmus+ travel refund for EU partners: Depending on the distance.
Countries part of the Erasmus+ application: Germany, Czech Republic, Iceland, Ireland, Scotland, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Denmark and Malta.
Contact: Markus Rapsch – Michelstadt2020[at]
More information here.