“What made us sit down at YMCA Malta and bring the HomeInclusRation roundtable discussions and forum to life? HomeInclusRation addresses three important keywords: homelessness, inclusion, and migration in Malta. YMCA Malta cannot keep fighting to eradicate homelessness in Malta unless it continues raising awareness and proposes solutions to migrant homelessness, as well as their inclusion into society and the fight against marginalisation in general. It is the general lack thereof that can lead to further hate speech, hate crime, precarious working conditions and lack of adequate living spaces, among other negative consequences. We are expelled from the immigration centre and we have no housing. This is our problem” said Anthony Camilleri, MA Gest. Psych. CEO, YMCA Malta
YMCA has a long history of commitment to working with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (MRAs).
YMCA Europe identified migrants, refugees, asylum seekers (MRAs) and Internally Displaced People (IDPs) as one of the most important priorities. Learn more about the “Working group on refugees”
YMCA Europe’s Manifesto included in the 2020 Policy Paper on Migration emphasises the belief in humanity and is concerned about every individual’s wellbeing of body, mind and spirit. It seeks to create equal living conditions for all humans. YMCA Europe’s priority is to work on inclusion, giving tools to both newcomers and their new communities to live together, aiming at supporting them to achieve independent and fulfiling lives, and building trust between communities.
YMCAs across Europe, including YMCA Malta, provide support to young people, families, and children, contributing to their integration into their new communities by helping them to build a new future. YMCAs provide families with support through signposting of key services like employment, health and housing.
These previous policy initiatives in the areas of advocating for long-term quality housing with an inclusive, integrated approach are some of the reasons why the Platform Against Homelessness (PAH) in Malta launched the HomeIncusRation Project.
YMCA Malta recognizes that the organisation cannot keep fighting to eradicate homelessness in Malta unless it also raises awareness and proposes solutions to migrant homelessness, their inclusion into society and its fight against marginalisation in general. The HomeIncluRation project serves to achieve further strengthening of the platform members by giving them the empowerment to work on collective issues and address the particular challenges faced by migrants as they struggle to successfully integrate into their communities.
The platform members participated in roundtable discussions in order to promote dialogue and unity, recommend common and comprehensive solutions, support community actions and deliver a message of coherent and inclusive policies aimed at the removal of service barriers and the prevention of homelessness to the government.
The report recommends a number of proposals that authorities could implement to improve the situation for those experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness in Malta.
The Report has already been featured on local news:
- https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/migrants-forced-sleep-construction-sites-asked-pay-rent.1015248
- https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/construction-worker-homeless-losing-leg-cement-mixer-fall.1015203
- https://lovinmalta.com/news/local/migrants-in-malta-are-sleeping-in-construction-sites-and-giving-sexual-favours-to-pay-rent/