ZOOM Outdoor for Healthy Lives is a 10 day training course organized by YMCA Romania Federation
and it is designed to train 24 young leaders from 6 European countries, into creating and managing
camp programs for youngsters.
- Date:
- 12th June 2015 – 23rd June 2015″]
- Place :
- Borzont, Romania
The main activities are planned to take place between the 12th-23rd of June 2015 in Romania, near the city Gheorgheni, in the rural area Borzont. Partners are: Mladinska Asocijacija IMKA Bitola- Macedonia, YMCA na Slovensku- Slovakia, Ognisko Zwiazku Mlodziezy Chrzescijanskiej Polska YMCA w Kurnedzu- Poland, Centrul pentru Cooperarea Tinerilor – Moldova, Jeugd en Maatschappij- Netherlands.
The main objective of this project is to develop or improve skills among the participants, in order for them to manage camps more professionally. We believe that these leaders are the business card of each organization and their skills, competences and preparation reflect directly on the services the The secondary and broader objective of this project targets the beneficiaries of our partners camp programs: children and adolescents coming from all environments, all cultures, social-economical statuses, religions, genders and backgrounds, which need to benefit from healthy, educative and productive leisure time activities.
The project is designed to cover two major working methods: outdoor and media.
1. The outdoor component will develop physical, emotional and social skills and competences.
2. The media component will develop technical, promotional and creative skills and competences.
The camp programs usually take place during school brakes and aim at developing the social, emotional and physical competences of children, adolescents and young adults, through non-formal education methods. Camp programs are an efficient alternative to traditional formal education which often fails to cover at least one category of these competences.
The impact on this project is expected on 3 levels:
1. Individual and organizational-for the participants and the partners involved: we expect them to acquire management skills, training-coaching skills, communication and social skills, promoting skills and outdoor skills, all which will help increase the benefits of the programs they are involved in.
2. Beneficiaries of their programs and camps: the impact on this group can be measured on a long term buy indicators such as participation, activity engagement, return or an increasing demand for more spots.
3. The international community of youthworkers and organizations that will benefit from the media products of this project-video tutorials- which will be published online for free.
During the training we will create together a manual of working tools, video tutorials of working tools (uploaded for free on all our sites) that will be available for everybody interested in different tools and activities for camp programs.
For more info, please contact Romanian YMCA Federation: office@ymca.ro