At the end of August, three of our YES Board members, Ashleigh Cullen, Chris Richards and Katka Javurkova completed and graduated from the Change Agent programme with the World YMCA. The Change Agent programme is an international leadership development scheme, designed to create a worldwide network of young YMCA leaders. It holds aims to develop skills, perspective, understanding and to prepare young global leaders for work between the local, national and global branches of the YMCA, and to raise the profile of youth empowerment at every level.
In this cohort, 154 people from 63 countries participated and engaged in two Global Gatherings between 2015-16. The first gathering took place on the Peace Boat, a socially conscious project that aims to promote peace and social issues to all that attend. This worked as a partnership initiative, where the Agents both attended and participated, but also contributed to activities onboard. The programme required Agents to complete assignments around leadership, and to initiate projects promoting youth empowerment. Ashleigh developed a project responding to the need of mental health stated in the One Million Voices research, Chris proposed to encourage his local young people to participate in charitable Christmas Dinner provision for families or individuals that otherwise would not be able to afford or have the opportunity to have a sit down meal with others at Christmas, and Katka initiated a young person’s LGBT support group and youth forum.
The second Global Gathering held in Chiang Mai, Thailand provided opportunity for further learning, and the sharing and understanding of different Change Agent projects. There, Ashleigh also had the opportunity to deliver a seminar around mental health for fellow Change Agents while at the programme, outlining the need for mental health within the YMCA movement. Katka also delivered her knowledge of TenSing and provided music at morning devotions and the graduation ceremony that finalised the week. Change Agents had the opportunity to engage in a range of community service projects held within the local area, and stayed overnight with host families to get to understand the context of communities in the Chiang Mai district.
Upon successful completion of the programme the participants graduated to be qualified YMCA Change Agents for the World YMCA, on a mission to raise the profile of Youth Empowerment within the YMCA movement, a passion ingrained solidly in the heart of our organisation. As a result of this programme, Ashleigh feels more confident to advocate for LGBT+ rights and diversity on a higher and global level, Chris feels he can fulfill his role as a trustee with increased confidence and knowledge, and Katka feels more empowered and confident to volunteer and continue her work with young people. The Agents will continue to work together to raise youth empowerment at every corner of the movement, and to also promote the programme, encouraging other YMCAs to nominate representatives to become Change Agents for their local or national YMCAs