Through its Digital Perspectives for Youth approach, YMCA Gjakova in Kosovo engages young people in various programs like Leadership, STEAM, and Headspace, all aimed at empowering and illuminating their potential and knowledge.
Part of the STEAM approach, HP LIFE is playing a crucial role with 40 different online courses including communication, finance, marketing, technological proficiency, digital business skills, career development, etc.
Besides the regular programs, the YMCA engages young people on many occasions and one-time activities, during this reporting period the City Parade on the 14th of July in Gjakova.
This season, the YMCA team partnered with Rahovec municipality in Western Kosovo to bring our Leadership and STEAM programs, focusing on technology. After the YMCA visited his school, Ron Iska, a young student, took advantage of the opportunity to complete HP courses and enjoyed them so much that he signed up for summer camp.
“What I liked most about the YMCA was the variety of digital courses which led to many chances to learn new stuff and get my certificate straight away! The vibe and energy of the YMCA sessions made me want to engage further and I’ve applied for Summer Camp also… I can’t wait!” – said Ron enthusiastically about his journey at the Digital Community Hub.
Ron hopes that the YMCA will continue to bring their digital Hub to his Municipality and hopes the YMCA and Rahovec leadership can continue their cooperation to offer youth more opportunities, but until then Ron still has the “golden resource” from his HP account where he can continue to do more courses.
At Gjakova’s city liberation Parade, the team and beneficiaries of the HP Hub walked down the main streets displaying YMCA shirts powered by HP, showcasing the excitement for the courses and opportunities offered.
“It was not just a parade, but a chance to show proudly our identity and opportunities at the Digital Community Hub. I have finished the 3d printing course and the effective leadership one. I enjoyed both of them and I want to tell our community to get involved and promote personal development”- Bora Morina, peer trainer and volunteer at the Gjakova HUB.
Bora has applied and been accepted for a scholarship opportunity in Italy, she saw this on the organization’s media and applied. “I will combine my gained knowledge from HUB courses and activities with my academic studies, but I will never forget the memories at the local YMCA. I will return as an alumni and share my story as motivation for other youth.
More stories from the West Balkan Digital Hubs, here
Digital Community Hubs in the West Balkans is a YMCA initiative, powered by HP to accelerate digital equity in the regions, by helping YMCAs in Kosovo, Albania, Serbia, and North Macedonia to expand existing or create new digital community hubs.
The project aims to expand existing digital hubs and create new ones to enable young people, including those from marginalized communities, teachers, and youth workers, to access greater opportunities for education and employment.