This year the annual YES meeting will be extended to a 3-days seminar prior to General Assembly. Participants are invited to register through online registration form below. Participation in the seminar includes also the General Assembly, which starts on Wednesday, June 1st, therefore please do not register for it separately.
- Date:
- 29th May 2011 – 5th June 2011″]
- Place :
- Ernst Sillem Hoeve, The Netherlands
The seminar will focus on youth participation within YMCA Europe and is intended for youth leaders (till age 30) interested in international youth work and cooperation.
YMCA of The Netherlands, together with YES group has successfully applied for a grant from the EU “Youth in Action” Programme to support the seminar. The content is prepared by YES board. Please see the draft programme below for more information.
National Movements, which signed a Partner form for the grant application can be supported by the grant by the reduce rates of the participation fee (€ 54/day) and partial travel reimbursement. These National Movements, with between brackets the number of eligible participants under 30 years of age are: Germany (4); Denmark (2); The Netherlands (6); England (4); Scotland (1); Finland (2); Estonia (1); Spain (1); Switzerland (2); Sweden (1); Czech Republic (1); Hungary (2); Malta (1); Iceland (1); Slovakia (1); Latvia (1); Romania (1); Turkey (1).
Unfortunately, only “Youth in Action” Programme countries were able to be partners for the grant this time. We are currently working on support measures for participants from other countries.
The above mentioned National Movements will benefit from a reduced rate for their youth participants. Participants to the YES seminar will pay:
- 30% or their travel costs (70% or the travel costs will be reimbursed on the basis of received original travel tickets, which means the train, busses, plane tickets (should include also the invoice or confirmation of price and payment and original boarding passes) . Documents will be collected at Ernst Sillem Hoeve and those for the travels home have to be send afterwards to YMCA of The Netherlands within 2 weeks after the end of the General Assembly. If these proves of expenses are missing, YMCA Netherlands will not receive the grant for your participation and YMCA Europe will charge you afterwards the full participation fee.)
- € 318 participation fee, accommodation in double room
- € 537 participation fee, accommodation in single room
Participants have to attend the full duration of the seminar (May 29 – June 5).
Participants from other countries, additional participants or participants not fulfilling the age limits or not participating in the whole lenght of the seminar are paying the full price accoding to price list of the General Assembly (29 – 31 May, € 72/day/double room,
€ 85/day/single room; 1 – 5 June, € 120/day/double room, € 165/day/single room)
All costs have to be paid to YMCA Europe based on the invoice received after the registration.
Deadline for registrations: 5 May 2011
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the participation in YES seminar, or wish to know whom to turn to within your National Movement, please contact us at
For more information on YES see
Important! Be aware of the cancellation fee in case of not arriving to the YES seminar without the 10 days notice. If you intend to participate in the General Assembly only, do not use this form! Application for the General Assembly:
This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.