The YMCA of Moldova is known for their famous Martial Arts Festivals and they organize in Chisinau every year. Not many people know that they also offer other youth programmes that are highly estimated by the Moldavian society.
One of the programme implemented with the Ministry of Justice in a prison for young defenders. The forms of cooperation are various. Sometimes it’s equipment , sometimes parcels with food or clothes. But the most precious are activities that develop spirit, body and end mind: it’s not allowed to run any activities that include fighting, even as sport that’s why the voievod experts cannot play their usual role. On the other hand they can play other sports and games: football, volleyball, chess and other games. This is a good change.
The boys who are covered by the program gives a chance of changing their life. They can start this when they are stay in the prison zone. When they leave it they also can count on support : shelter and food in modest conditions arranged by a monastery may occur salutary in the first months of freedom.
Young vine can be put in proper direction – it need leading and support: This metaphor, of Nikolai Ivanov , a volunteer who is involved in the program refers to the young people in zone, but in Moldova , the country of vineyards they have special strength .
In Moldova this is a pilot programme . The YMCA leaders devote themselves to their task and everything brings results. They need more know-how and use experience of other associations and are would like to start networking with other YMCAs that run similar projects with juvenile offenders or in prisons in general.
All YMCA associations interested in cooperation in this difficult but necessary sector are asked for contact with YMCA Europe: or directly with YMCA Moldova Alliance: