“Roots and Leaves II – Healthy Living”
A YMCA multifunctional office in the centre of Backy Petrovac, a village near Novi Sad in Serbia and the tennis courts of a Sarajevo sports club in Bosnia, have become references for youth, children and families in both communities. These two recently founded YMCAs in the Balkans led by young leaders are the most visible expression of our youth empowerment in action approach.
Registration for General Assembly and YES Seminar is closed. In case of interest in the GA please write to
Over last weekend Polonia London (Men) were crowned Volleyball England Super 8 National League Champions for the second time in three years.
On the invitation of YMCA Canada, YMCA leaders of the YMCA Area organisations of Africa; Asia; Latin America and the Carribean; Europe; the World Alliance and of course Canada, met in Vancouver with Minister Fantino (International Co-operation) of Canada.
We are pleased to introduce the 2012 YMCA
Europe Annual Report.
During the General Assembly of YMCA Europe in June 2011 in The Netherlands, many participants visited “YMCA Camp Leusden”, one of the main camp sites of YMCA of The Netherlands.
Easter is a promise God renews to us each spring. May the promise of Easter fill your heart with peace and joy! Happy Easter!
World Alliance of YMCA give the Best Video Award for YMCA World Challenge to YMCA Romania video ” The Shooters”. Congratulations!
Under the leading theme “Heading forward” the 26th ETS Conference took part from February 21st-24th in Prague, Czech Republic. Over 20 delegates from 10 different countries spent a lot of time discussing the appearance of the ETS at the YE Festival this coming summer.