At YMCA Europe’s 2018 General Assembly in May in Germany, the YMCA 175 Birthday Campaign has been launched officially.
At YMCA Europe’s 2018 General Assembly in May in Germany, the YMCA 175 Birthday Campaign has been launched officially.
KFUM Central (YWCA-YMCA Central Stockholm) is investing for the youth of the future.
STATEMENT: YMCA Europe, together with other YMCA Movements continue following with deep concern the developments regarding the situation of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons across Europe and the world.
Following retirement, Werner Stahl leaves Horyzon after 15 years.
Rome Half Marathon aims to promote Interreligious Dialogue and Peace Culture.
Hintersee was not only the place where our General Assembly took place: between May 8th and during the whole General Assembly until May 13th, Hintersee also hosted a group of 35 YMCA young people from 20 countries around Europe, for the annual YES network seminar.
Hintersee, Germany: A space for good governance, strategy implementation, facts and inspiration
2018 is the second year when YMCA Europe is running the educational course Leadership Academy.