Christmas time – a period of the year where we look back and look forward. Fulfilled with hope and expectations. Inspired by the birth of that small child in Bethlehem so many years ago.
Christmas time – a period of the year where we look back and look forward. Fulfilled with hope and expectations. Inspired by the birth of that small child in Bethlehem so many years ago.
Dear Friends in Ivanovo, Dorogije Druzja,
On behalf of the YMCA Europe I would like to congratulate you for your great day – 15 Anniversary of the YMCA in Ivanovo.
YMCAs all over Europe are doing great job in service of those in need. Now, when the financial difficulties are affecting various countries and funding for Non-governmental organizations and charities is becoming more difficult to be accessed, it is becoming even more relevant to find and secure reliable funding sources in order to keep YMCA movements across Europe functional and capable of delivering quality services.
From November 7th until November 13th the study session Together in Diversity took place in the European Youth Centre in Budapest. The study session was organized under responsibility of YMCA Europe (Christian Orientation Group) and Conference of European Churches.
One of the participants of Catch the Vision seminar is sharing his unique experiences and impact of the event.
The previous week, in Prague we had a very interesting YMCA Europe meeting. The YMCA Europe Executive Committee and Staff were happy to meet with all the Field Group and…
YWCA/YMCA of Latvia was recently declared the “Most experienced youth organisation” in Latvia, receiving an award in youth work by the Ministry of Education and Science.
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Juan A. Simoes Iglesias as our next Secretary General. Juan was appointed by the YMCA Europe Executive Committee with unanimous approval.
One of the participants of Catch the Vision seminar is sharing her unique experiences.
Armenia? Where’s that? Oh, by Turkey? Well sure, that sounds like something new, different and fun! These were my first thoughts two years ago as I was asked to participate in an international conference for YMCA Europe. I didn’t know much about the place, the people, or the project. Now, I find myself returning for another year, another conference, and teaching other young people about how to get to Republic Square, or count to ten in Armenian (give or take a pronunciation!), and about what “do no harm” means in the greater context.
Returning home, I am still in awe by the sight of seeing so many people from different cultures and countries coming together in one room, and instantly becoming best friends. It doesn’t matter that we don’t speak the same verbal language, we have so much else in common. We love our jobs and help people grow in mind, body and spirit. I’ve met Danes who have taught me about Grandma’s pie in relation to the importance of encouraging someone to change for the better, and a Britain who believes so strongly in the betterment of humanity and equality of opportunities that her passion makes me want to get up and act! An Irishman inspired peace-making in all parts of my life, while Armenians have shared their stories and passion for their country.
I’ve met so many great people and learned so much more about the world through these travels and conferences. I have incorporated many of these teachings into staff trainings back at my own YMCA. I really have caught the vision and tell everyone at home about my experiences!
Amanda Kelley, 24 years old, Frost Valley YMCA, USA