YMCA Europe is planning a large scale youth event in London from 4-7 August 2019 to mark the 175th Anniversary of the YMCA.
YMCA Europe is planning a large scale youth event in London from 4-7 August 2019 to mark the 175th Anniversary of the YMCA.
We are hiring: Chief Executive Officer (Director)
Anthony Camilleri has been appointed as National General Secretary of YMCA Malta.
Last week, Ilenia Ventroni from the YMCA Europe Brussels Office was in Geneva, meeting with Romulo Dantas – Executive Secretary for Youth Empowerment of the World Alliance of YMCAs.
August 11 – 13 at the YMCA Camp Daranak (Armenia), a Programme Forum was held for the Syrian – Armenian group leaders, within the YMCA Europe Roots for Reconciliation project – Local Capacities for Peace component
On 25-31 July, 2017 a summer tent camp was held in Patara village in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) by YMCA Artsakh in frames of the YMCA Europe “Roots for Reconciliation” project, Local Capacities for Peace component.
Work camps are the most common form of short-term volunteering, where a group of volunteers work and live together on a project which has been identified by a local community or working with that community.
Road to peace can be long and tiring… But certainly not when young people take the initiative to walk it, together!
YMCA Europe is planning a large scale youth event in London from 4-7 August 2019 to mark the 175th Anniversary of the YMCA.