Catch the Vision: Young Europe – Old conflicts

It is with much pleasure that we invite you to enrol participation for the next conference within the YMCA Europe Catch the Vision series this time under the motto “Young Europe–Old Conflicts”. It is designed to give a chance to young people across Europe to meet and discuss the YMCA Mission through sharing knowledge and experiences, ideas and visions, etc.

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Report from a visit to Armenia

I was fortunate to have been invited to attend the opening of a new YMCA building in Spitak, Armenia, on the 8th May so I took this opportunity to visit several YMCAs and also give some training to senior volunteers and staff members from 5 local associations. I travelled from 28th April to 6th May, which also gave me some time to see a bit of the country too, accompanied by YMCA Europe staff member Vardan Hambardzumyan.

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Report of the YMCA Europe General Assembly 2010

Over 110 people from 40 countries attended this year’s General Assembly which was held in the YMCA Training Centre in Litomysl, Czech Republic. The theme of the conference was “Now!”. It was the last in a series of three General Assemblies where we have concentrated on Resource Mobilisation. The theme was intended to reinforce the urgent need for all YMCAs to become better at raising resources to ensure their sustainability into the future.

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Piece of Sweden found in Ukraine

Some time ago I – together with my wife and the Secretary General of Ukraine YMCA, Viktor Serbulov, and his wife and daughter – visited Gammalsvenskby (the English translation of the name would be Old Swedish Village). The visit we did on our way to Kiev after having had the annual meeting with Field Group Ukraine – for which I am the leader – in the Crimean peninsula.

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Roots for Reconciliation

In 2009, YMCA Europe commissioned an external assessment of its Roots for Reconciliation project. The assessment was led by an independent consultant from the UK – Bruce Britton.

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Condolences to Poland

Our staff members Michal Szymanczak and Adam Rychlik wish to thank all National Movements and individual people that sent them their condolences, prayers and thoughts. Thank you YMCA friends, at…

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Master Class

YMCA Europe is organising a Master Class to train selected volunteers in the international dimensions of its work. The training sessions are aiming at members of national, regional and local YMCA boards in Europe, volunteers who represent YMCA Europe on international groups, and volunteers with the potential to become international representatives.

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